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Root Canal Treatment

RCT icon
What is an RCT?

The root canal is the space inside the tooth that contains the pulp, which is made up of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. Root canal treatment is typically recommended when the pulp is damaged beyond repair and cannot be saved.

If you are experiencing tooth pain or other symptoms, it’s important to see your dentist  for an evaluation to determine if root canal treatment is necessary.

Root canal treatment diagram
Surgery Materials
A Safe and Effective Solution for Tooth Pain

When a tooth becomes infected it is likely we will need to carry out a root canal treatment. This is a very straightforward procedure that removes the infection, saving the tooth so it can be restored with either a filling or a crown.

An infection can occur if bacteria are able to penetrate deep into the central part of the tooth that houses the nerves and blood vessels to the tooth. This is called the pulp and an adult tooth is able to function perfectly well without it. Your tooth is likely to become infected if it has a leaking filling or untreated tooth decay, or has suffered some sort of trauma that has removed part of the tooth.

Root Canal Treatment
Understanding the Root Canal Treatment Process

Root canal treatment is an excellent way to save the tooth and before this procedure was invented we would have had no other choice but to extract the infected tooth. If you have any concerns regarding this procedure, please speak to our friendly dental team on 02 9948 2881 or make a booking online. 

Root Canal Treatment
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